What We Do


Westford Remembers Memorial Fund began as the non profit Westford Remembers 9-11 Memorial Fund in 2010. The committee was charged with providing a design, implementation, construction and funding of a 9-11 Memorial for the Town of Westford, Massachusetts. During the process, many members realized the need to preserve and revitalize and maintain Westford’s 60+ Memorials. These Memorials not only honor our residents and important events in Westford but are pieces of Westford History and should be and need to be preserved for future generations. We hope to provide the means and funds to help preserve and revitalize at least some of these Westford Memorials through funding and hands on work. in 2011 the Fund was able to raise a significant amount of funds to install a beautiful Memorial and Memorial Courtyard dedicated to the victims of 9-11 and Westford’s Public Safety personnel.

Community Assistance

When the COVID-19 crisis arrived, we expanded our reach to help residents with immediate essential needs directly. To date we’ve assisted residents with utility and rent arrears, built a driveway gate for a young handicapped child’s safety, and other financial aid. We work closely with our Town of Westford Social Services staff and other charitable organizations.